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  1. DeviceNet communication

    Background The units in the X45e platform can be controlled in three ways. Either you have no communication with the units besides the four digital inputs. This is referred to as autonomous or stand-alone mode. If more communication is required the...
  2. Partial shipping

    This article describes how to manage shipping dates in the Online Store. By default the Online Store will always use joint shipping, i.e. all items will be delivered at the same time. The shipping date used will always be the the last date of all t...
  3. How to install the Engineering Tools suite

    Internal users FlexCAD for AutoCAD/Inventor Install from Microsoft Software Center (Windows Start Menu) Calculation/Design/Quotation Tool ​Install from Microsoft Software Center (Windows Start Menu) External users ...
  4. Copy conveyor settings between tabs

    When there are multiple conveyor tabs in one file it is possible to copy the conveyor parameter settings between tabs. All or selected parameters from the platform, product and environment sections can be copied. The copy feature is available both i...
  5. Online Store settings

    There are only a few settings that you can alter as a user in the Online Store. But they can have a huge effect on the behavior of the site. To access the settings, click on the Settings link found in the top left part of the site. Currenc...
  6. Edit beam length in FlexCAD AutoCAD

    This instruction is valid for all FlexCAD AutoCAD beams except the conveyor beams of the platforms X85X, X180X, X300X, WL374X, WL526X and WL678X which are built up of parts using a special function and therefore cannot be edited, they must be redra...
  7. Using the Trip function

    The trip panel is used to group hours and expenses on a single line. This function is extremely useful when defining customer visits etc. where you want to be able to add and remove all the costs of a trip easily. Pre-requisites The trip function ...
  8.  How to use sender/receiver for merging or diverting

    DistributeMode There are three different options how to distribute components via a sender component, changed in the  DistributeMode  property DistributeEvenly – All components are distributed evenly among the connected receivers in...
  9. Inserting ballons using FlexCAD

    In AutoCAD there is no function for balloons (in AutoCAD Mechanical there is), so a balloon function has been implemented. This is connected to the Part list function, to simplify drawing work. This instruction is on how to insert balloons into a dr...
  10. Working with wedges

    Choose platform from the drop-down list in the conveyor Setting area. If the selected platform permit you to work with wedges, a checkbox will be visible below the Slide rail row. Check it in order to work with wedges. Note that t...