Restore database

If you ever need to reset your database. Please follow these instructions.

1. Close down Quotation Tool

2. Open the DB Utility (found in the Start Menu / FlexLink Quotation Tool / FLQT Database Utility

3. Click on the Import button

4. Browse to C:/Program Files (x86)/FlexLink Quotation Tool/Database and select the flqt.sdf file.

Now you've restored the database. It's basically blank, but you will be able to start the Quotation Tool.

Try starting it, you will be prompted to do a web update, do so.

Now you have two options, the latter being the preferred one.

1. Continue working with the raw database. Of course you'll probably be missing a lot of settings, prices etc. that your administrator has set up for you. This option is probably only viable if you're in a hurry and need to open an existing quote before talking to your administrator.

2. Ask your Quotation Tool administrator for a copy of your local database and import it using the database utility. This way all prices etc. will be restored. 

If your administrator has set up remote database replication you should be queried if you want to update your database when you start the Quotation Tool, if not; ask your administrator for a copy.