Using spell check

Any form that uses the "Word" control has built in spell check capabilities. Spell check is done "on demand" and by default the language used is English (US).

The sample below is showing the Quote Document / Text element module, but the "Word" control can also be found in various other modules in the Quotation Tool.

To spell check your text, click on the Review button in the toolbar.

Then click on the Spelling button.

If the spell checker finds any oddities, a dialog (shown above) will be presented and you can take action if needed.

You can of course change the language used (from English) to various other languages. Currently the number of languages supported is limited, but if you need a language not supplied with the tool, please send us a request using the support form.

To select a different language, click on the Options button and at the bottom of the dialog, select your preferred language.