

 Additional logotype in drawing templates
The Design Tool makes it possible to use an additional logotype in the drawing template. An additional logotype will be displayed to the left of the drawing template head. Note: It's not possible to remove or replace the original FlexLink logotyp...
Add balloons to drawing
The Design Tool can create balloon annotations in a drawing through the  Drawing -> Annotations ->  Balloon Annotation  menu item in the toolbar. Balloon annotations are linked to the part list that is shown above the header in a drawing. Therefore...
Add free text
There is no separate feature for free text in Design Tool drawings. However, it is quite simple to use the Rectangle Annotation feature with a small modification. Add annotation Click on  Drawing tab -> Annotation group -> Rectangle button to act...
Multiple Drawings
From Design Tool version 3.3.0 it is now possible to have multiple drawing templates within the Drawing view. In the bottom of the view there is a toolbar showing templates in the layout. Each template is separate and can have different part lists o...
 How to use: Automatic balloons and Machining drawings