Installing and updating


Getting started
This article describes how to install and to get started using the Quotation Tool (FLQT). The FlexLink quotation tool is currently only be obtained internally within FlexLink but as a partner you can also get hold of a copy of the application. If y...
Adding product images to the application
Images are by default not distributed with the quotation tool. The image zip file itself is greater than 1 GB and we wouldn't want to force everyone to download a file of this size just to install the quotation tool. Hence it has to be downloaded se...
Restore database
If you ever need to reset your database. Please follow these instructions. 1. Close down Quotation Tool 2. Open the DB Utility (found in the  Start Menu / FlexLink Quotation Tool / FLQT Database Utility 3. Click on the  Import  but...
Using FlexLink 2017 quote template
The 2017 quotation Word templates are distributed with version 2.1.23 of the Quotation Tool. Make sure that you are running version 2.1.20 or later before continuing reading this article. The version number can be found in the  Help/About dialog. ...